English around the world

English around the world
DARK RED -- countries where English is the first and often only language of most people........ DARK PINK -- countries where besides English as a native language there is at least one other significant native tongue... LIGHT PINK -- countries where English is not native, only official language

Welcome to the World Englishes Blog

On this blog you can learn more about the varieties of English spoken all over the world. You can take quizzes, watch videos, and listen to how English is spoken in Great Britain, America, Australia, India, and many other countries around the world. You can ask questions, share relevant websites, podcasts, and videos. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. --Kristin

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mini-play -- The Clothes Shop transcript

Click on the link below to see the transcript for the mini-play, The Clothes Shop, by Tim Bowen and Liz Plampton.

Mini-play -- The Clothes Shop

Anwer key for Mini-play questions

1. What is the play about?
1. c; 2. b

2. Vocabulary
1. c; 2. e; 3. d; 4. f; 5. a; 6. b

3. Extract from the play
1. c; 2. e; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d

4. Vocabulary
1. split; 2. spoilsport; 3. down; 4. declined; 5. retail therapy

5. Topic of mini-play

There is no single answer to this question but the
most likely overall theme of the play is d, or possibly
f, as they are shopping for the sake of shopping and
not because they actually need anything.

Mini-play -- Shopping in Manchester

After listening to the mini-play and answering questions 1 - 3 in the World Englishes [Director] program, do the following additional exercises. You can check the answers in the next post.

3. Extract from the play

Look at these five lines from the play. They form a short section of the play but they are in the wrong order. Put them in an order that makes sense. Then read the play to check your answer.

a. Err … no … D’you think it suits me?
b. What? Oh, er … yes … yes, it’s nice. I really need some jeans, actually.
c. Hey Mags, do you like this jumper?
d. What do you mean you ‘need some jeans’? You bought some last week!
e. I like the colour – is it in the sale?

4. Vocabulary -- Complete the sentences using these words and phrases from the play.

spoilsport / declined / split / retail / therapy / down

1. If clothes ________________, a long, thin cut appears in them, often because they are too tight.
2. A ________________ is someone who spoils someone else’s plans or enjoyment.
3. If you are feeling ________________, you are unhappy or sad.
4. If a credit card is ________________, the transaction cannot be completed.
5. ________________ is the activity of shopping in order to make yourself feel happier.

5. Which of these topics do you think is the main topic of the play?

a. supermarket shopping
b. getting into debt
c. keeping up with the latest fashion trends
d. retail therapy as a cure for unhappiness
e. buying expensive designer brands
f. wasting money